Paviljoen Delft
Architecture is normally about solving a problem of logistic. How different activities can take place as economic as possible, without interferance. How different circulation patterens can fl ow whitout intersepting. In this view architecture should be absent. the sequences and shape of space should be logical, any confrontation must be avoided. “Laaven” is an attempt to create confrontation. The columns placed on a rectangulair grid measuring 1,20 m are the architectural components used to achieve this.
The pavilion is to house the activeties of the student body STYLOS. These activeties are meetings, lectures, work-shops, exhebitions and performances. In our proposal these activeties take place in a 10*10 m space, subdivided by the colomn grid. The activeties take place in a dialog with the colomns, witch confront and challenge the user and visitor to creative solutions in their relation to the space. This challange can also lead to new activeties that only can take place here. The programatic volumes (staircase, bathrooms and storage) gives an incentive to the dialog, all of them dealing with the colomns in a different way.
the monumental ramp leads to the only colomn-free room of the pavilion. this ramp is a secondary entrance (the main entrance beeing a smal door situated on the ground fl oor), emphasising the other functions that it could stage. the colomns are light with different
colours emphasising their presence, and through the translucent facade they give a way a sutle impression of the interiour.